Curious, courageous, and devoted, this breed is well-liked as both a pet and a guard dog. Although they are small, Dachshunds need a lot of exercise and mental engagement to keep their happy and endearing demeanor. They have a strong personality and may disregard commands when they catch a scent of potential prey. Dachshunds will bark defensively at unanticipated guests but generally get along well with older kids. There are three coat varieties: smooth, long-haired, and wire-haired. The long-haired types require daily brushing. The KC recognizes two sizes, miniature and standard, while the FCI acknowledges three sizes based on chest circumference.
20-23 CM ( Male )
20-23 CM ( Female )
9-14 KG ( Male )
7-14 KG ( Female )
12-15 YR