Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora



Historical records indicate that this indigenous Turkish breed likely arrived in France and the U.K. in the 17th century. It played a significant role in the breeding of other long-haired cat breeds like the Persian, particularly during the early 20th century, leading to a decline that nearly brought the Turkish Angora breed to extinction outside of its home country. In Turkey, efforts were made to protect the breed, and by the 1950s, purebred Angoras began to be exported to Europe and the U.S. Although still uncommon, the Angora is regarded as the most beautiful of all long-haired cats, featuring a delicate bone structure and an extraordinarily soft, glossy coat.


20-25 CM ( Male )

20-25 CM ( Female )


3-5 KG ( Male )

3-5 KG ( Female )


15-18 YR

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