American Wirehair

American Wirehair



The earliest domestic cats in America are believed to have arrived with the first Pilgrims in the 1600s. Throughout the following centuries, these resilient and tough cats spread across the Americas, primarily valued for their ability to control rat populations rather than for companionship. However, in the early 20th century, a more refined version of the barn cat, identified as the Domestic Shorthair, began to develop. Selective breeding further enhanced this breed, and by the 1960s, it was rebranded as the American Shorthair, gaining recognition at pedigree cat exhibitions. Robust and healthy, American Shorthairs make excellent family pets that can adapt to nearly any living situation.


20-25 CM ( Male )

20-25 CM ( Female )


3-7 KG ( Male )

3-7 KG ( Female )


10-16 YR

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