Affectionate and gentle despite its large stature, this dog possesses a resonant, bell-like bark. Initially bred by the monks at the Abbaye de Saint-Hubert in Belgium, the Bloodhound (or St. Hubert Hound in Belgium) was likely among the dogs that accompanied William the Conqueror to England in 1066. With its substantial build, wrinkled face, and droopy ears, this dog epitomizes the classic sleuthhound often found in detective tales. The Bloodhound is famous for its remarkable scent-tracking skills across various landscapes and can identify a scent that is a few days old. Kind-hearted and amicable, this dog also serves as an excellent family pet for those who have sufficient space.
64-69 CM ( Male )
58-66 CM ( Female )
36-50 KG ( Male )
36-45 KG ( Female )
10-12 YR