British Shorthair

British Shorthair



The British Shorthair was initially bred from some of the finest examples of common British domestic cats and was among the first pedigree breeds showcased in the late 19th century. In the subsequent years, this breed faced significant competition from long-haired cats, especially the Persian, but managed to survive and experienced a revival starting in the mid-20th century. Descending from cats that were utilized to control vermin in farms and homesteads, the British Shorthair has become an archetype of the ideal companion cat. It enjoys widespread popularity across Europe and is slowly attracting a following in the United States, where it remains relatively less known. Many years of meticulous breeding have resulted in a well-structured cat of exceptional quality. British Shorthairs are robustly built, with medium to large bodies that are solid and muscular. Characteristic features include large, round heads, broad cheeks, and big, expressive eyes. The cat's coat is short, thick, and available in various colors, with a plush feel and firm texture. By nature, this breed is as serene and friendly as its round face and gentle disposition imply. It can thrive in both urban and rural settings. Although strong, the British Shorthair is not particularly active or hyper and prefers to stay grounded, content to lounge on the sofa indoors. Nonetheless, it appreciates outdoor adventures and often employs the hunting instincts inherited from its ancestors. Affectionately gentle, the Shorthair enjoys being close to its owner. While it remains aware of the happenings in its environment, this cat does not overly demand attention. Overall, the British Shorthair is known for its robust health and longevity. They are relatively low-maintenance, as their dense fur does not mat or tangle easily, requiring only regular brushing to maintain its good condition.


22-25 CM ( Male )

22-25 CM ( Female )


4-7 KG ( Male )

4-7 KG ( Female )


15-20 YR

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