An energetic, attentive, and balanced dog that exhibits characteristics similar to those of terriers. This small, stocky breed originated in Belgium, where it served as a stable dog and was transported in hansom cabs. With influences from the Affenpinscher in its lineage, there are two varieties: a smooth-haired type known as the Petit Brabançon and a rough-haired version that features a prominent beard. In several countries, the rough-haired dogs are categorized by color—black-haired ones are referred to as the Belgian Griffon, while those of other colors are known as the Griffon Bruxellois. Unwaveringly brave, yet highly adaptable and affectionate, this breed delights in taking walks and being spoiled. It is not advisable for families with very young children.
23-28 CM ( Male )
23-28 CM ( Female )
3-5 KG ( Male )
3-5 KG ( Female )
12-15 YR