The Egyptian Mau cat resembles the tall, spotted felines depicted in the artwork of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, yet it does not have a direct lineage from them. The contemporary Egyptian Mau was created in exile by Russian princess Natalie Troubetzkoy, who brought several spotted Egyptian cats from Italy to the U.S. in 1956. For many years, the number of breeding cats remained limited until fresh imports revitalized the gene pool in the late 20th century. Maus are loving companions, but they can also be sensitive and reserved. They need careful socialization during their early development and are likely best suited for a knowledgeable cat owner. Nevertheless, once the Mau establishes a bond with its family, it remains loyal for a lifetime.
20-35 CM ( Male )
20-35 CM ( Female )
3-6 KG ( Male )
3-6 KG ( Female )
15-16 YR