This intelligent breed is kind and gentle when engaged in activities. As a superb hunting dog, it can track, point, and retrieve across various terrains, from heathland to moorland, making the German Pointer, or Deutsche Kurzhaar, a devoted and obedient companion. In its country of origin, it is primarily kept as both a family pet and a hunting partner, and the breed is typically calm and dependable. Being an energetic dog, it may become hyperactive and destructive if not adequately exercised. There are three variations of its coat: wire-haired, long-haired, and short-haired. The most well-known among these is the German Short-haired Pointer, often referred to as the GSP by hunters in the UK.
25-32 CM ( Male )
20-27 CM ( Female )
58-64 KG ( Male )
53-59 KG ( Female )
12-14 YR