A handful of breeds have as many tales regarding their origins as the tailless Manx. One of the more absurd tales suggests that this cat lost its tail due to an incident on Noah's Ark. In reality, it originates from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, and its absence of a tail is a natural genetic mutation. Since the early 20th century, the Manx has captivated feline enthusiasts and, along with its long-haired counterpart, the Cymric, has gained global recognition. Breeding practices are closely monitored to prevent spinal issues sometimes linked to tailless cats. The Manx is known for its gentle and quiet demeanor and can be trained to participate in activities like playing "fetch" or walking on a leash.
25-30 CM ( Male )
25-30 CM ( Female )
4-5 KG ( Male )
4-5 KG ( Female )
13-16 YR