



By the close of the 19th century, as pedigree cat shows started garnering global attention, the Persian (often called the Longhair) was already quite well-liked in both the US and UK. This cat, known for its luxurious coat, made its entry onto the show bench after a lengthy but unclear history in Europe, and it remains uncertain if the breed's genuine ancestors truly came from Persia (Iran). The first officially recognized Persians were solid-colored, meaning they had fur of only one color. The earliest documented specimens of the breed were completely white, typically with blue eyes—a color combination frequently linked to deafness unless breeding practices are carefully managed. Breeding with solid Persians of different colors produced specimens with orange eyes, and white Persians exhibiting either orange, blue, or mixed eye colors (one of each) were accepted. Queen Victoria is often credited with making blue Persians famous, as they were her preferred breed, while black and red were also among the early solid colors. Since the 1920s, breeders have developed additional solid color varieties, such as cream, chocolate, and lilac. A Persian is typically characterized by its round head and flat face; a short nose; and large, round, appealing eyes. The body is compact and robust, with short, strong legs. Maintaining a Persian's luxuriously thick, long coat requires a significant commitment from owners, as daily grooming is essential to avoid tangles or the formation of difficult mats. Persians are well-known for their gentle and affectionate demeanor, as well as their love for home life. They are certainly not high-energy cats, although they can exhibit charming playfulness when provided with a toy. The flat features of the Persian are exaggerated in contemporary breeding programs, which has resulted in various health issues. Common problems include respiratory difficulties and issues with tear ducts in this breed.


20-25 CM ( Male )

20-25 CM ( Female )


4-7 KG ( Male )

4-7 KG ( Female )


12-14 YR

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