The history of the Siamese contains more myth and legend than fact and the true story of this royal cat of Siam is now lost to time. It is certainly considered a very old breed; a black cat is featured in The Cat Book Poems, a manuscript produced in Siam (now Thailand) that probably dates to the 14th century. The first Siamese cats definitely known in the West appeared at cat shows in London in the 1870s and, in the same decade, a cat was sent from Bangkok to the US as a gift for the First Lady. In the early years of the breed's development, on both sides of the Atlantic, all Siamese cats were seal point and it was not until the 1930s that new colours - blue, chocolate and lilac - were introduced and others were added later. The appearance of the Siamese has changed in other ways over the years too. Traits such as crossed eyes and crooked tails, once common in the Siamese, have been eliminated and are now considered faults in terms of show standards. More controversially, modern breeding has taken the Siamese's long body and narrow head to extremes, producing an extremely lean and angular look. With a super-sized ego and a loud voice which it uses to demand attention, the Siamese is the most extroverted of all cats. This highly intelligent breed is full of fun and energy and makes an excellent family pet, as eager to give affection as it is to receive it.
27-31 CM ( Male )
27-31 CM ( Female )
3-6 KG ( Male )
3-5 KG ( Female )
15-20 YR