The Sphynx cat is arguably the most recognized hairless cat breed worldwide and originated in Canada, named for its similarity to the ancient Egyptian Sphinx statue. The hairless trait in cats is a result of a natural mutation, and the interest in cultivating this feature began with the birth of a hairless male kitten from a short-haired farm cat in Ontario in 1966. This kitten, along with other hairless kittens that emerged in the following decade, became the basis for the breed. Although the lack of fur often accompanies other mutations, meticulous selective breeding, which includes crossbreeding with Devon Rex and Cornish Rex cats, has helped maintain the Sphynx’s health by reducing genetic problems. Sphynx cats are not completely devoid of hair; most have a soft, suede-like texture on their skin and may have fine fur on their heads, tails, and paws. Undoubtedly, they present a distinctive appearance—with their prominent ears, wrinkled skin, and round bellies—not everyone finds them attractive, but their warm and loving personality has garnered them many fans. They are simple to care for, but it's important to keep them indoors and protected from extreme weather conditions. Because they lack a typical fur coat, their bodies cannot absorb excess oils, making regular baths necessary. Cats that are introduced to bathing early on usually adapt better to this routine.
20-25 CM ( Male )
20-25 CM ( Female )
4-6 KG ( Male )
3-4 KG ( Female )
15-20 YR