Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier



This dog's adorable look and compact size disguise its bold personality. Despite its miniature toy-like stature, the Yorkshire Terrier possesses the bravery, vitality, and self-assurance typically found in larger dogs. This intelligent breed responds well to training in obedience. However, it can take advantage of owners who allow it to behave in ways that would be unacceptable for a bigger dog, potentially leading to excessive barking, annoyance, and demanding behavior. When properly managed, this terrier showcases its inherent traits: loving, devoted, loyal, and eager. The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred to hunt mice and rats in the woolen mills and mines of northern England. It was gradually reduced in size through selective breeding from the smallest specimens, and over time it evolved into a fashion accessory that women often carried with them. However, such indulgence conflicts with the energetic nature of the Yorkshire Terrier, which thrives when given the opportunity for at least thirty minutes of walking each day. The lengthy and lustrous coat is carefully rolled around sheets of paper and held in place with elastic bands to protect it outside the show arena. Maintaining this coat requires considerable time, but the dogs generally enjoy the additional attention.


20-23 CM ( Male )

20-23 CM ( Female )


2-3 KG ( Male )

2-3 KG ( Female )


12-15 YR

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